Policy Statement
This policy on photocopying or material reproduction aims to promote fair and acceptable use of library materials. This will serve as a guide for the user and the library staff regarding the restrictions, rules and regulations on the use of library materials for reproduction purposes, because the library's holdings vary widely in terms of rarity, condition and format, each request for reproduction will be reviewed by the library staff.

General Policy
The Medical Library Printed Collection is divided into four (4) categories: (1) General Circulation Book Collection (2) Reference Book Collection (3) Reserve Book Collection (4) Continuing Resources / Periodical Collection (printed format) . Each category has a different loan policy. The Loan policy is based on the demands or usage and brittle of the materials.
Reproduction of library printed collection is allowed only to library users who have applied and are holders of current validated keycards. However, as part of the Library consortium, researchers from other Colleges, Universities and Hospitals or Non-Affiliated Users can avail of library photocopying services only after presenting a referral letter from their librarian and a valid identification card. This privilege may be curtailed during examination week wherein books are dedicated to SLCM students for their reviewing purposes.

Specific Policy: (Request to Photocopy Outside the School Premises)
1. Only bonafide current library keycard holders will be honored in borrowing books for photocopying. All library users shall present the I.D. card mentioned when borrowing and returning library materials.
2. All users shall pass through the standard procedure in borrowing library materials. No library material shall be removed from its designated area until its issue has been properly recorded by the Library Staff.
3. If the book that the user needs has been borrowed, they may request for reservation. They shall fill up a book reservation slip to be attached to the book card. The library user will then be duly informed as soon as the reserved book is already available. 4. A recall notice may be issued when the demands for the book borrowed arises.
5. All users are responsible for any book or library materials issued to them until it has been properly returned to the library.
6. In case of losses or damages, the borrower shall notify any of the Library Staff immediately. The borrower shall replace the material, either with the same title or another title acceptable to the library. In addition, the borrower shall pay a processing fee amounting to P80.00.
7. A book that was failed to be returned after photocopying shall be considered lost, unless the borrower informs the librarian that the material(s) is still with him/her. In which case, policy no. 9 applies.
8. Further loan will not be permitted as long as the borrower has one or more overdue item.
9. The library shall provide adequate records of what materials are charged out, to whom it was charged and when is the due date. A delinquent record and statistical records regarding book usage shall also be maintained.
10. Overdue fines shall be charged to any borrower who fails to return the library materials on the specified due date. Any person who after due notice, refuses or fails to settle library accounts or obligations shall not be issued a clearance and shall have his/her library privileges suspended within a semester or subsequently suspended for the rest of the semester.
11. All materials and facilities shall be on a first come-first served basis. A user caught deliberately displacing a material to keep it from being used by another shall have his/her Library privileges revoked for a period determined as appropriate by the Library Manager.
12. Non-SLCM/SLMC users shall not be allowed to check out any library materials. Non-SLCM/SLMC user’s privilege is limited to In-Library Use Only.

Photocopying Policy For Reference Books/ Periodicals
1. Photocopying or reproduction of collection for room use only shall be made inside the library. A user shall leave a valid ID (SLCM/SLMC) to the library staff in-charge and shall fill up a photocopying slip.
2. In exceptional cases and under special arrangement, some special collection may be loaned to a borrower. All borrowed materials shall be returned on the same day it was loaned, one (1) hour before the Library‘s closing time. Should the borrower fail to return the material(s) on time, he/she shall be fined as follows:

Reference Books and Periodicals : P10.00 per hour and additional P10.00 for succeeding hours or P100 per day.

3. Researchers are encouraged to bring in digital cameras for items that are too large or fragile to be photocopied.
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