Implementing the policies and procedures concerning the borrowing and returning of books borrowed for room use, overnight / one week loan, as well as for photocopying purposes by SLCM (St. Luke's College of Medicine) students, faculty, staff and SLMC (St. Luke's Medical Center) medical and non-medical employees are systematically carried out in this section. Its other function is the issuing of fines for overdue books.
Borrowing and Returning Section (Counter Area)
All the books borrowed at the Reserve, Circulation & Reference Section must be check-in/check-out first in this section through the integrated library system that the medical library uses.
For the queries and necessary assistance, students or any other patron could go to this area as well. It also provides the necessary permits and reservations for certain facilities that the library offers.
Multimedia Section
This section holds twenty (20) computer units and can well provide services such as: Internet access for research, academic and other instructional purposes, browsing of available on-line journals plus processing, printing and scanning of documents and the like. Browsing of CD-ROMs and other digital collection of the library is also provided and facilitated in this section.
Periodical Section
This section consists of more than a hundred titles of bound and unbound professional medical journals (Print & On-Line) and non-medical magazines such as Newsweek, Time, Popular Science, Discovery and Health Today to support the clinical research and educational needs of the users as well as for general information and leisure reading.
Technical Section
Acquisition work along with cataloging and classification of books are analytically done in this section supporting the progress and maintenance of information systems and resources of the medical library. This is the section responsible for the evaluation of books to be acquired through the help of various department heads and consultants of the Medical Center. It keeps library records such as: accession record, shelf list and list of newly acquired books. It maintains the consistency and accuracy of the information found at the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog).